
14 November 2020
T-Shirt Travel

#MAGIC, the T-Shirt that makes you feel the taste of travel

Feel the taste of travel… Even from your sofa! #MAGIC T-Shirt is realized to support the research and development of LOTO projects, our non-profit reality committed […]
6 July 2020
ecotourism wolf

Italian Central Apennines: traveling on the wolf’s tracks

Nature journey to discover the wolf on the Parma Apennines (Northern Apennines): a proposal for those who can’t wait to dive themselves in grazing lands and […]
18 May 2020
Remote tourism Lampedusa

Remote Tourism: exploring Lampedusa Rabbit Beach

Remote tourism at Rabbit Beach, Lampedusa: a unique chance to experience a natural trip, from your sofa. Trying to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have […]