
LOTO works inside a network of projects, set both in Italy and in the rest of the world, which are committed to developing social and environmental projects. We have been collaborating with extraordinary associations in Nepal, Madagascar, Myanmar, Thailand, Abruzzo and Lampedusa Island.
We want to talk about people and journeys, in order to create connections between people travelling as volunteers or tourists and people wanting to welcome new hosts in their projects.
đź’ˇ Becoming a LOTO member is essential for everyone interested in our reality and willing to participate in the activities and projects promoted by LOTO. The process to become a member is simple: contact us for all the details!
LOTO’s work is based on five fundamental steps:
To find and monitor our partners by travelling to meet people involved in social and environmental projects, in Italy and in the world. We check if they are trustworthy, we suggest and develop new collaborations and we keep in touch with our partners in a transparent way.
To promote our partners’ projects and to talk about their commitment. We talk with potential volunteers and travellers, to give them information and help them to choose a journey or a volunteering project that could be suitable for them, depending on their expectations and their previous experiences.
To help travellers with all pre-departure steps: to buy their flights, to ask for their Visas, to have their assurances and their vaccinations, to fill in all journey papers.
To train travellers during meetings where we give information about the project’s environment, the journey’s conditions and the travellers’ involvement in the project. We want to give them all instruments to fully live their experiences.
To evaluate the experience, by involving volunteers and tourists in the evaluation of their journeys as they come back. We consider each suggestion, in order to improve our work and that of our partners, who work hard every day to make our world a better place where to live.
The journey never ends! After the final evaluation, you will come to a fork: you will run away from LOTO and from the chaos of a journey you want to forget – we hope not – or you will miss the experience you have just lived. If so, we have the solution: to join our monthly meetings, where you can talk about your journey with people having doubts and wanting some good suggestion from someone who has already made that step into the world.

If you are interested in one or more of our projects, you should attend one of our information days, which we organize once a month in Milan, Italy. This is the best way to meet and talk about your doubts and questions. These monthly meetings are free and don’t imply your participation in the project. If, after this first meeting, you are even more convinced of travelling with us, we can organise a private meeting, to better know each other and talk about all aspects of your travel, from the documents you will need to the challenges – usually, there are some – you will face. We will evaluate your knowledge of English, talk about the opportunity to travel alone or with other volunteers, show you all activities you will be involved in and together we will plan your itinerary, your travel’s duration and the budget you will need to have. DONATION AND FEES All LOTO’s projects are organised and managed thanks to professionals working locally and aiming to help local communities to achieve their social and environmental goals. For these reasons, we ask our volunteers and travellers for a donation, which supports Italian staff’s and local partners’ work. Each project has autonomously organised vacancies, transports and food. In some places, the donation supports all costs, while in other destinations you will be asked to share some costs with other travellers during your experience. Donations vary from 350 to 1,200 euros depending on some aspects, such as living costs in destination countries, your experience’s duration, the project’s needs. In all our destinations you will find local staff’s people ready to support you with all experience’s steps, from your arrival at the airport to your involvement in the project’s activities.
A project dedicated to the wolf and its habits, with the desire to promote new forms of coexistence between great wild animals and men, enhancing breeding activities, sheep farming and the hospitality sector all caring about the well-being of the territory and the animals that inhabit it. An experience designed for those who are not afraid of the wolf, among outdoor excursions, guided tours, wildlife sightings and cleaning interventions aimed to protect and promote a piece of territory of our wonderful Apennines, still relatively unknown.