Ecotourism in Lampi Marine National Park, Myanmar.
in brief

and community
Together with Istituto Oikos we are offering you the opportunity to actively contribute to the safeguard of one of the most fragile biodiversity hotspots in the world, travelling side by side with Oikos marine biologists and getting to know the local community.
Lampi is the only marine park in Myanmar, a refuge for many species threatened and the so called “mother island” of the Moken people, who have been sailing among the islands of the Myeik archipelago for centuries. This is where Oikoshas been working since 2007, to protect natural and cultural resources and promote sustainable economic alternatives for the local population.
Dates and place
Ecotourists will stay for two weeks in the Visitor Center of the Lampi Marine National Park (accommodation in a shared room). It is the only protected area of the Myeik archipelago, Tanintharyi region, in the south-east part of the country, which has an immense and recognized environmental and cultural value. 🌱 Becoming a LOTO member is essential for everyone interested in our reality and willing to participate in the activities and projects promoted by LOTO. The process to become a member is simple: contact us for all the details!We want to offer you a complete and versatile travel experience, which combines monitoring activities and environmental education with initiatives aimed at promoting responsible tourism.
If you are interested in this amazing ecotourism programme please fill in our information form, we will get in touch with you with all the details you may need to get ready for a great experience.
Frequently asked questions
Ecotourism activities
Here are the main activities in which eco tourists will be involved:
- Environmental awareness and beach cleaning campaigns with the active participation of local communities and students within the park boundaries.
- Ecotourism initiatives (English courses and training for local guides) to offer an economic alternative to local communities, which base their survival on the fragile natural resources of the territory.
- Patrol activities and monitoring of species and local ecosystems to support park staff
- Marine surveys, for which the ecotourists will receive a special training on marine biology and on species recognition techniques.
- Data collection on the state of conservation of mangroves, along one of the rivers of the island of Lampi.