Environmental conservation in a tropical Island
in brief

and community
Research, environmental conservation and presence on the territory. Naucrates has been working for 22 years involving staff and volunteers in the protection of marine ecosystems, mangroves, coral reefs and threatened species, like sea turtles.
The project area is that of Phra Thong Island, an island where there is no electricity and tourism is a new-born activity – very different from lots of Thai areas. Here, Naucrates association works to develop activities for the study of environmental harmony and local development. From fishing to first methods of hosting, human activities on the island can be considered both as resources for the territory’s responsible growth and as obstacles to sustainable development.
The goal of our partnership is that of giving value to volunteers and travellers in this remote area, where it is still possible to explore and practise the interaction between environment and local community, always aiming at responsible tourism and learning. Volunteers will be involved in a pre-departure training so that they will be able to choose the activities which most suit their skills and passions: from research and learning activities for students and professionals –seagrass monitoring programme, wildlife surveys, sea turtle monitoring, impact of tourism on the island, eco-tourism – to more practical – but not less important – activities, such as collecting data and mapping threatened species, patrolling beaches where sea turtles lay their eggs, collecting garbage brought ashore by the waves, teaching environmental education and involving young people at the only school on the island.
We want volunteering to be an instrument to learn and know, put in action in a precious and vulnerable context.
💡 Becoming a LOTO member is essential for everyone interested in our reality and willing to participate in the activities and projects promoted by LOTO. The process to become a member is simple: contact us for all the details!You can join the project from November to March. This is a perfect project for people wanting to get involved in a program to protect environment and to learn which are the risks and the opportunities of local development.
If you are interested in this amazing conservation project please fill in our information form, we will get in touch with you with all the details you may need to have.
Each to their own… wave.